Beard and mustache transplant is a procedure preferred as much as hair transplant for many men who have complaints about beard and moustache loss. In certain parts of the face, hair loss due to different reasons such as insufficient hormones, scars and wounds. But the question is who can do beard and moustache transplant? First, the reason of lack of enough hair in this area should be investigated.
The recommended age to do beard and moustache transplant is at least 25 years. And after investigating and eliminating the cause of shedding. Hormonal disorders and metabolic diseases which cause hair loss in this area can be investigated carefully after this age, and the transplant is performed if there is no problem.
FUE is the preferable technique to do beard and mustache transplant, just like hair transplant. In hair transplant, hair follicles are taken from donor area. Root calculation is performed to densify the partially shed beards and fill the sparse areas. In people with no beard, the doctor examines the facial structure of the patient and determines the number of hairs to be transplanted. After local anesthesia, sowing is performed within 3 to 6 hours on average.
Beard or mustache transplant is a surgical procedure and should be performed in hospital with expert teams. Beard or mustache cultivation in unstable areas can cause serious problems.
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